
Module config

Expand description

This module defines the configuration of the copper runtime. The configuration is a directed graph where nodes are tasks and edges are connections between tasks. The configuration is serialized in the RON format. The configuration is used to generate the runtime code at compile time.


  • This represents a connection between 2 tasks (nodes) in the configuration graph.
  • This is the configuration of a component (like a task config or a monitoring config):w It is a map of key-value pairs. It is given to the new method of the task implementation.
  • CuConfig is the programmatic representation of the configuration graph. It is a directed graph where nodes are tasks and edges are connections between tasks.
  • A node in the configuration graph. A node represents a Task in the system Graph.
  • Wrapper around the ron::Value to allow for custom serialization.


Type Aliases§

  • NodeId is the unique identifier of a node in the configuration graph for petgraph and the code generation.